It is 81 degrees today. The end of September in Minnesnowta! I wished I liked it. Although the trees ARE getting pretty. I miss my annual drive around the lakes. I miss it, I miss it. And actually my old favorite drive, too. But my car is gone and I can't do that any more.
This place is so buggy and after 5 years (?? Where did the time go??) while it is a nice concept, and there are beautiful common areas and stuff, I almost miss my old dump. Almost.
I want to pack up (although I can't afford it) and have a HOME. New furniture. NO BUGS. Wow, what a concept. That was supposed to happen here. And it did for a while.
I am going to loose everything with these bugs. Everything I own.
Do you actually think I am as funny with dry humor as my cat blog? Hell, no. Sorry.
I can't get anyone to listen or anyone to help. Reach out, people, and care for others! Why are so many of us ignored, taken advantage of, never given anything to enhance our lives other than what we carve out of the pavement?
Our fingers bleed when we do that.
Our hearts are numb.
Our eyes drown in pools of tears.
We are nothing.
My word, I am sounding like my old poetry. I think I will shut up for a while.
See ya around?
5 years ago